Operator concepts

Boundary operators

The principle operator concept in BEM++ is that of a boundary operator. A boundary operator

\[A: \mathcal{D}\rightarrow \mathcal{R},\]

is a mapping from a domain space \(\mathcal{D}\) into a range space \(\mathcal{R}\), where both \(\mathcal{D}\) and \(\mathcal{R}\) are defined on a given surface grid. BEM++ does not directly work with the boundary operator \(A\) itself but with a weak form

\[a(u, v) := \int_{\Gamma} [Au](\mu)\overline{v(\mu)}d\mu,\quad u\in\mathcal{D},~v\in\mathcal{V}\]

where \(\mathcal{V}\) is the dual space to the range space \(\mathcal{R}\) (in BEM++ we use the keyword dual_to_range for the space \(\mathcal{V}\)).

Boundary operators are defined in the subpackage bempp.api.operators.boundary. Apart from Maxwell operators all boundary operators take three space arguments: domain, range, and dual_to_range, which correspond to the spaces \(\mathcal{D}\), \(\mathcal{R}\) and \(\mathcal{V}\). The following code snippet defines the Laplace single-layer boundary operator on a space of piecewise constant functions. For simplicity, we choose all three space arguments to be identical.

import bempp.api
grid = bempp.api.shapes.regular_sphere(3)
space = bempp.api.function_space(grid, "DP", 0)
slp = bempp.api.operators.boundary.laplace.single_layer(space, space, space)
INFO:BEMPP:Found Dolfin. FEM/BEM coupling with FEniCS enabled.

It is important to note that the above code only sets up data structures. No discretisation of an operator is happening.

A complete algebra for operators is implemented. We can add operators, multiply them with scalars, and also multiply operators. Hence, the following operations are all valid.

scaled_operator = 1.5 * slp
sum_operator = slp + slp
squared_operator = slp * slp

Particularly, interesting is the last step. Assume that the matrix \(S\) is the Galerkin discretisation of the slp operator with the given space of piecewise constant functions. Then the discretisation of squared_operator is computed as \(SM^{-1}S\), where \(M\) is the mass matrix of inner products between functions in the dual_to_range space and the range space. This is done automatically in BEM++ so that the user does not have to deal with the correct mass matrix operations manually. It allows a complete product algebra based on Galerkin discretisations. Note that if the mass matrix \(M\) is not square, BEM++ internally solves a least-squares problem using a normal equation approach.

Operators can also be multiplied with grid functions as shown in the following.

# Create a grid function with unit coefficients.
import numpy as np
number_of_global_dofs = space.global_dof_count
coeffs = np.ones(number_of_global_dofs)
grid_fun = bempp.api.GridFunction(space, coefficients=coeffs)

# Now apply the operator to the grid function

result_fun = slp * grid_fun

There is quite a lot going on internally for this operation as shown by the logging messages. First of all, in order to apply the operator slp to the grid function grid_fun BEM++ needs to assemble the operator. This is the first step, where an actual discretisation is computed. However, assembling the operator is not enough. To compute the coefficients \(c_{new}\) of the grid funtion result_fun a mass matrix needs to be assembled since the coefficients of the result are computed as

\[c_{new} = M^{-1}Sc,\]

where \(c\) is the vector of coefficients of grid_fun. Again, all this is handled automatically by BEM++.

Discrete boundary operators

Quite often it is necessary to have more direct access to discretisations of boundary operators. For this a boundary operator provides two methods weak_form and strong_form. Given the variational form \(a(u,v)\) as defined above the discretisation of this variational form is the matrix \(A_h\) defined by

\[[A_h]_{i,j} = a(\psi_i, \phi_j),\]

where the \(\psi_i\) are the basis functions of the test space \(\mathcal{V}\) and the \(\phi_j\) are the basis functions of the domain space \(\mathcal{D}\).

Discrete boundary operators give access to the discretized matrix by providing routines to perform matrix-vector products and query the underlying matrix. The following gives an example.

slp_discrete = slp.weak_form()
print("Shape of the matrix: {0}".format(slp_discrete.shape))
print("Type of the matrix: {0}".format(slp_discrete.dtype))

x = np.random.rand(slp_discrete.shape[1])
y = slp_discrete * x
Shape of the matrix: (512, 512)
Type of the matrix: float64

Discrete boundary operators implement the LinearOperator protocol provided by recent SciPy versions. This means that the standard operations such as multiplications with scalars, addition, and multiplication are available.

It is possible to convert a discrete boundary operator into a standard NumPy array. However, this is not recommended for larger problems. Depending on the discretisation mode a discrete operator may store a matrix only implicitly and not as a dense array. This then needs to be converted to a dense array by multiplication with an identity matrix. The following command turns a discrete boundary operator into a NumPy array.

slp_mat = bempp.api.as_matrix(slp_discrete)
[[  6.01598524e-04   1.59955449e-04   1.60210104e-04 ...,   3.15819132e-05
    3.35583598e-05   3.43634489e-05]
 [  1.59811402e-04   6.20059370e-04   1.21665497e-04 ...,   3.14103888e-05
    3.27991479e-05   3.39030174e-05]
 [  1.60210104e-04   1.21313696e-04   6.20059370e-04 ...,   3.33189379e-05
    3.55234393e-05   3.65203446e-05]
 [  3.15574627e-05   3.14105754e-05   3.33145031e-05 ...,   1.68183155e-03
    4.05004969e-04   7.46497936e-04]
 [  3.35100884e-05   3.27972380e-05   3.54902004e-05 ...,   4.05005071e-04
    1.68183155e-03   7.46490617e-04]
 [  3.43687317e-05   3.39000037e-05   3.65254704e-05 ...,   7.46498073e-04
    7.46490752e-04   1.79722275e-03]]

Above we have used the method weak_form to obtain the discretisation of a boundary operator. There is another method called strong_form. While the method weak_form() returns a discretisation of the variational form \(a(u,v)\) the method strong_form returns a discretisation of the action of the original operator \(A\) into the range space. Hence, the operators returned by the two methods are as follows:

  • weak_form: \([A_h]_{i,j} = a(\psi_i, \phi_j)\)
  • strong_form: \(M^{-1}A_h\)

Here, \(M\) is the mass matrix between the range space and the dual_to_range space. We note that \(M^{-1}\) is never formed explicitly but the corresponding system is solved internally by sparse LU decomposition, where the factorisation is only done once and then stored.

Potential operators

A potential operator, as opposed to a boundary operator in BEM++, maps from a given space over the boundary grid \(\Gamma\) into a set of external evaluation points \(x_j\not\in\Gamma\). Let us demonstrate at a simple example how to evaluate the Laplace single-layer potential operator at certain points away from the boundary.

# Define two evaluation points
evaluation_points = np.array([[2, 3],
                              [1, 0],
                              [4, 5]])

# Create the Laplace single-layer potential operator
slp_pot = bempp.api.operators.potential.laplace.single_layer(space, evaluation_points)
potential_values = slp_pot * grid_fun
[[ 0.21547098  0.16933975]]

As opposed to boundary operators potentials are assembled immediately when they are instantiated. Potential operators implement a simple algebra. Hence, they allow multiplication with scalars and addition with other potentials. To apply a potential to a given surface density it can be multiplied with a grid function as shown above. The result is an array of potential values, in which each column consist of the components of the potential at a given evaluation point. In this case the potential is scalar. Hence, each column has only one entry.

Function and class reference

class bempp.api.assembly.BoundaryOperator(domain, range_, dual_to_range, label='')

A basic object describing operators acting on boundaries.

This class is not supposed to be instantiated directly.


Return the adjoint of a boundary operator.

Parameters:range (bempp.api.space.Space) – The new range space of the transpose. This can not be determined automatically.

Return the domain space.


Return the dual product with another boundary operator.


The dual product B *_D A acts only only on the test functions of A and is defined as self.adjoint(other.range) * other


Return the test space.


Return the label of the operator.


Return the range space.


Return a discrete operator that maps into the range space.

Parameters:recompute (bool) – Usually the strong form is cached. If this parameter is set to true the strong form is recomputed.

Return the transpose of a boundary operator.

Parameters:range (bempp.api.space.Space) – The new range space of the transpose. This can not be determined automatically.

Return the discretised weak form.

Parameters:recompute (bool) – Usually the weak form is cached. If this parameter is set to true the weak form is recomputed.
class bempp.api.assembly.ZeroBoundaryOperator(domain, range_, dual_to_range)

A boundary operator that represents a zero operator.

class bempp.api.assembly.ElementaryBoundaryOperator(abstract_operator, parameters=None, label='', assemble_only_singular_part=False)

Concrete implementation for elementary integral operators.

  • abstract_operator (Abstrct boundary operator object) – Various types of abstract operators are defined in bempp.api.assembly.abstract_boundary_operator.
  • parameters (bempp.api.common.global_parameters) – An optional parameters object (default is None).
  • label (string) – An optional operator label (default is “”).
  • represent_only_singular_part (bool) – When assembled the operator will only contain components for adjacent or overlapping test and trial functions (default false).

bempp.api.common.global_parameters – Returns the associated parameters object.


Local assembler object – Returns the associated local assembler. See also bempp.api.assembly.assembler.

class bempp.api.assembly.LocalBoundaryOperator(abstract_operator, parameters=None, label='')

Concrete implementation for local (sparse) boundary operators.

  • abstract_operator (Abstrct boundary operator object) – Various types of abstract operators are defined in bempp.api.assembly.abstract_boundary_operator.
  • parameters (bempp.api.common.global_parameters) – An optional parameters object (default is None).
  • label (string) – An optional operator label (default is “”).

bempp.api.common.global_parameters – Returns the associated parameters object.


Local assembler object – Returns the associated local assembler. See also bempp.api.assembly.assember.

class bempp.api.assembly.GeneralNonlocalDiscreteBoundaryOperator(impl)

Main class for the discrete form of general discrete nonlocal operators.

This class derives from scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.LinearOperator and thereby implements the SciPy LinearOperator protocol.


Return the elementary operators that make up this operator.

class bempp.api.assembly.DenseDiscreteBoundaryOperator(impl)

Main class for the discrete form of dense nonlocal operators.

This class derives from scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.LinearOperator and thereby implements the SciPy LinearOperator protocol.


Return the underlying array.


Form the product with another object.


Return the elementary operators that make up this operator.

class bempp.api.assembly.SparseDiscreteBoundaryOperator(impl)

Main class for the discrete form of sparse operators.

This class derives from scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.LinearOperator and thereby implements the SciPy LinearOperator protocol.


Return the elementary operators that make up this operator.


Return the underlying Scipy sparse matrix.

class bempp.api.assembly.InverseSparseDiscreteBoundaryOperator(operator)

Apply the (pseudo-)inverse of a sparse operator.

This class uses a Sparse LU-Decomposition (in the case of a square matrix) or a sparse normal equation to provide the application of an inverse to a sparse operator.

This class derives from scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.LinearOperator and thereby implements the SciPy LinearOperator protocol.

Parameters:operator (bempp.api.SparseDiscreteBoundaryOperator) – Sparse operator to be inverted.
class bempp.api.assembly.ZeroDiscreteBoundaryOperator(rows, columns)

A discrete operator that represents a zero operator.

This class derives from scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.LinearOperator and thereby implements the SciPy LinearOperator protocol.

  • rows (int) – The number of rows in the operator.
  • columns (int) – The number of columns in the operator.

Convert a discrete operator into a dense matrix.

Parameters:operator (scipy.sparse.linalg.interface.LinearOperator) – The linear operator to be converted into a dense matrix.


Note that this function may be slow depending on how the original discrete operator was stored. In the case of a dense assembly simple the underlying NumPy matrix is returned. Otherwise, the operator needs to be converted to an array, which can take a long time.

class bempp.api.assembly.PotentialOperator(op, component_count, space, evaluation_points)

Provides an interface to potential operators.

This class is not supposed to be instantiated directly.


Number of components of the potential (1 for scalar potentials).


Return the underlying discrete operator.


Data type of the potential.


Apply the potential operator to a grid function.

Parameters:grid_fun (bempp.api.GridFunction) – A GridFunction object that represents the boundary density to which the potential is applied to.

Return the evaluation points.


Return the underlying function space.